sexta-feira, 30 de outubro de 2015

Let's get started!


This is Lee, our Persian cat. We picked up Lee when she was almost 4 months old and decided to train her to use the human toilet. Why? There are many reasons for that. Some of the most important for us are:
  • Less mess of litter around the house.
  • Less waste (litter takes a lot of space in the trash can).
  • No more bad smells!
  • Cheaper (and lighter) than buying sand all the time.
  • Clean your cat's waste just by flushing.
  • Not having our cat digging on its poo and then jumping on the table, on the sink, on our pillows, etc.
And so on. Many people disagree with this method, saying that it's "unnatural" for the cat, but peeing in a litter box indoors is also not so natural is it? Plus, trained cats are much happier and satisfied when all the pee and poo smells go away instantly inside the water of your toilet bowl.

Still, if you disagree with this method, your are in the wrong blog. But for those who want to help their cats to use the toilet as well, this is the right place!

Step 1:

Make sure your cat knows how to use the normal litter box before starting. Make sure your cat is also not too young and unable to balance himself on the toilet or jump that high.
Also, transfer the litter box to the toilet. It's there that your cat needs to start going to do his/her business. 

Step 2:

Change your cat's litter. Buy a a litter that can be disposed of in the toilet and will not clog it! That is very important and must be done before starting the training. Some cats don't like changing their sand/litter. Lee had no problems whatsoever. We changed the litter and she went on the new one right away. If you cat refuses, mix the new and the old litter (50%) and then gradually reduce the amount of the old litter until they are 100% fine with the flushable one.

Step 3:

Buy a toilet training kit. The 2 main ones are Litter Kwitter and Citi Kitty. Litter kwitter is more robust and seems to me more stable for the cats. The plastic from Citi Kitty is a bit too thin in my opinion. But both methods work the same way.

Some demostration videos to explain you the method:

Litter Kwitter:

Citi Kitty:

If you decide to buy Litter Kwitter, also buy the MultiCat system. It makes an easier transition between all stages. These transitions are not so abrupt in the Citi Kitty, so that is advantage for this method. Also Litter Kwitter is much more expensive ($80 for the standard + Multicat, against $30).

Note: Although it is possible to do the training without these kits, it's much messier and it takes a lot of time and effort to prepare each step. Still, if you want to try you can look at how to do it here.

So choose the best for your cat and for your pocket.

We have decided to buy the Litter Kwitter without the Multicat system (we regretted though). To train lee without the Multicat we had to work harder and go through more mess than usual, but it will also work.

Step 4:

Follow the instructions of the kit. Here we will give our experience and so tips to go around problems that WILL APPEAR along the way. Be ready to clean a lot of mess and be patient with your cat. You are both going on a journey together and he will be as happy as you to make it work!

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